Press & Public Relations Unit

The Press and Public Relations Unit is one of the Units directly under the Office of the Director General and Chief Executive. It deals with all matters and issues relating to media and Public Relations; and operates within the framework of the guidelines provided by the supervising ministry, the Federal Ministry of Transport. The Press and Public Relations was upgraded to a full-fledged Unit in 2013 with the overall responsibility of projecting the programmes, policies, plans and activities of the Institute through press releases, press statements, press conferences, feature articles, pamphlets, brochures, posters, films and photos, journals and public lectures. Other functions of the Unit include:

  • Handling public enquiries on the Institute’s activities and programmes
  • Monitoring all shades of opinion, the News Media especially, print and electronic media, daily for news report and publication on the Institute
  • Compiling press clippings of such news reports and analysing them for further actions by Management
  • Maintaining regular contacts with other departments of the Institute with a view to projecting their activities and programmes as may be directed.
  • Assisting in corporate publicity and promotional campaign programmes such as trade fairs, workshops and exhibition.
  • Assisting in the publication of News Letters, Information Manuals and Flyers on the Institute
  • Responsible for the Institute’s customer care, entertainment and hospitality to ensure customer satisfaction in the delivery of the Institute’s programmes and activities.
  • Handling the Institute’s programmes/events, venue arrangement and decorations for course ceremonies, workshops/seminars.
  • Writing reports and making recommendations on ways of improving the Institute’s customer services based on comments/reports of course participants and other visitors to the Institute in relation to hospitality and other servicers of the Unit and the Institute.
  • Writing draft of Director General/ Chief Executive’s speeches at major events.
  • Writing rejoinders, where the need arises, on any negative reports/publications on the Institute.
  • Placing all advertisements jingles, and announcements for the Institute the mass media.
  • Performing other duties and functions as may be assigned and directed from time to time.


However, for ease of operation, the Press and Public Relations Unit is divided into three (3) Sections and two () Sub-Sections as follow:

Media Section

The Media Section handle all matters relating to advertising and promotion of NITT Programmes and services, drafting of DG/CE’s speeches and those of other dignitaries during official events; serving as Master of Ceremony at events within and outside the Institute, etc.

Publications Section

The Publications Section is responsible for the compilation and forwarding of the Institute’s Annual Report; production of NITT Corporate Profile, Brochure, Pamphlets/Flyers, among others.

Community Relations Section

The Section is in charge of coordination of events/receiving and entertainment of guests; establishing contact with the community/public, etc.

Camera Sub-Section

It is an extension of the Media Section, and it is responsible for video coverage as well as taking of pictures during official events; collaging and placement of photographs of events on DG/CE’s notice board, safe-keeping of Institute’s photographs, albums and portraits, etc.

Protocol Sub-Section

It is an extension of the Community Relations Section, and it ensures that all formalities, procedures, precedence and etiquette in relation to visits to the DG/CE are organized seamlessly, and in advance, too; it also keeps records and contacts of personalities.