Public Private Partnership Collaboration And Networking Unit

The Institute enabling ACT CAP 116 of 2004, Empowers the Institute to promote or associate with other bodies, including Government International Institutions/organizations. 

The concept of Public Private Partnership Collaboration and Networking unit in the Institute came as a result of the Federal Government of Nigeria directives for all Ministries and MDA’s to have an create the PPP unit in the Ministries/Agencies, and the Institute (NITT) organizing Training and Capacity Building Programmes on PPP on 27th July, 2020 at MTL classroom on the 1st of September 2020 and subsequently the management of the Institute create the Public Private Partnership Collaboration and Networking (PPPCN Unit) on the 18th January, 2021 and appoint of Head of Unit/Desk Officer under the office of the DG/CE.

Units In the PPPCN

  • Project Officers
  • Procurement Officers
  • Legal Officers
  • Monitoring and Compliance Officers

Functions of PPPCN Units

  • To identifying, prioritizing, selecting and developing framework for Public Private Partnership Projects in Compliance with ICRC Act 2005 and National PPP Policy (N4P). 
  • Assessing the current status and performance of key infrastructure in relevant sectors. 
  • Negotiating/re-negotiating of all PPP projects using financial models to ensure viability. 
  • Analyzing all projects with a view to determining the participation of each party in the procurement arrangement. 
  • Evaluating projects in the capital budget and suggesting those that can be under taken through PPP. 
  • Ensuring that all PPP projects are included in the mid-term Expenditure Framework of the MDA. 
  • Preparing Terms of Reference (ToR) for PPP consultants and Transaction Advisers (TA) to conduct PPP project screening analysis, Outline Business Case (OBC) and Full Business Case (FBC) studies and other PPP specific. 
  • Reviewing PPP transaction studies i.e OBC, Public Sector Comparator (PCS), value for money and PPP risk allocation structures. 
  • Ensuring effective knowledge transfer from TA to the PPP Unit and on the Job Training for PPP unit staff to ensure long term capacity of the PPP Unit. 
  • Reviewing financial and risk assessment for all PPP transactions. 
  • Evaluating unsolicited PPP proposals from private sector partners. 
  • The PPP unit should constantly liaise with the Infrastructure Concession Regulatory Commission (ICRC) on conceptualization, appraisal, negotiation and implementation of PPP projects for necessary advice and guidance. 
  • The Head, PPP unit should attend the quarterly Public Private Partnerships Consultative Forum (3PCUF) organized by ICRC and prepare quarterly progress report. 
  • Developed a framework for the procurement of advisory services that might be required in the concession process, in accordance with ICRC guidelines. 
  • Support procurement concessionaire, in accordance with ICRC guidelines. Generally work with the project team and adviser, through coordination of activities, contacts with government and agencies to facilitate early delivery of the project. 
  • Advice and provide high level support to the MDA (project team) and the PDT in the concession project management. 
  • Assist the concessionaire in obtaining all clearance like environmental clearance, approvals and permits as might be necessary. 
  • Brief the Honorable Minister or the MDA/CEO from time-to-time on the activities of the steering committee, progress and challenges of the concession exercise.

The Special Duties are in charge of Management and Administration of all Liaison Offices and Outreach Centers of the Institute in the six (6) Geographic Zones of the Country. 

The Institute has its liaison offices and learning at the six geopolitical zones, all at the permanent site and equipment for the staff in-house training for the north east central and north east staff were trained at Kano while the 2nd phases training for staff in Abuja, Lagos and port-Harcourt centers is coming up very soon.

Short Term Training ProgrammeS
Join our intensive short term training programmes scheduled to take place From 16th to 20th December, 2024