Internal Audit Department

The Department is one the Service department providing the services to the development and growth of the Institute in terms of prompt service delivery and ensure compliance with the Institute policies, government regulations, circulars and other related laws from time to time.
Philosophy of the Department
To provide independent review of the activities of the Institute and guarantee assurance in internal control system, anchored on integrity, professionalism and quality risks management methods in ensuring value for money and stakeholders’ satisfaction.
To be an independent and responsive Internal Audit Department guided by international best practices.
Units in the Department
The Internal Audit Department consist of 40 Staff, out of which 4 are temporary Staff with the following structure;
- Capital Project Audit Unit
- Recurrent Expenditure Unit
- Operations & Process Unit
- System Audit/ Post Payment Unit
Functions of the Department
The Schedule of the Department is as follows;
- To examine the system and procedures in compliance with Public Service Rules,
Finance & Accounting Regulations, Treasury circulars and other Government
Regulations; - To Review adequacy of controls established to ensure compliance with policies,
plans, procedures and organizational objectives; - To assess the reliability of financial information, records and the systems and
operations that produce these information; - To monitor revenue returns to identify and curb revenue leakage in the system;
- To conduct value for money audit by reviewing the effective, efficient and
economic use of, and to safe guard human, financial and other resources of the
Commission; - To carry out prompt statutory pre-audit checks of all acquisitions disbursements
by the Institute; - To conduct ad hoc verification and inspection of projects to identify vulnerable
areas and malfunctions, ensuring quality execution of deliverables, completeness, and objectivity; all of which inform timely quarterly reporting and special reports
to Management; - To review Departmental operations in line with the Institute’s objective to ensure
stakeholders satisfaction; - To improve compliance with Commission’s laid down policies, procedures and
regulations; - To review Information Communications Technology (ICT) Systems security
controls and ensure compliance with existing ICT policies; - Ensure compliance with implementation of Servicom Charter and Principles in
the Institute; - Meeting up with statutory requirements on the implementation of the Institute’s Projects